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Jefferson High School Addition & Remodel
Addition | Building Condition Report | FF&E Procurement | Graphics and Branding | Renovation | Pre-Bond Planning

Boulder, MT

13,440 sf

Future-Proofing a High School
Jefferson High School serves a geographically and demographically diverse community. As student enrollment and community needs increased, SMA worked with Jefferson High School to conduct a series of community meetings, demographic studies, and facility condition reports to determine the school’s current and future needs to be included in a bond measure.
A successful bond campaign facilitated by SMA and Jefferson High School will allow for much needed additional educational space and upgrades to existing facilities that will allow the school to serve students and the community into the future.
Supporting Educational Diversity
Jefferson High School is well known for its diverse and successful educational offerings including an award-winning drama program and extensive CTE offerings. The planning and design of the renovation and addition focused on flexible space to support these specialized programs and core curriculum.
The inclusion of shared student spaces enhances the sense of community and student inclusion.

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